Monday, July 18, 2016

The side effects and benefits of alpha-lipoic acid

alpha-lipoic-acidImage Source: superfoodsrx

Alpha-lipoic acid is one of the fatty acids from the mitochondrial family of fatty acids hat fights against inflammation and oxidation. It is one of the finest fatty acids when it comes to energy metabolism. Synthesized in the human body, you can consume alpha-lipoic acid by eating meat and also some vegetables and fruits [1].

Alpha-lipoic acid is also found in supplement form. As a supplement it has shown great benefits when it comes to fighting against inflammation and oxidation. There are also added benefits of the supplement that help in protection of the body against liver diseases, heart disease, neurological decline that tends to happen with age and diabetes.

Alpha-lipoic acid is an anti oxidant compound. The fatty acids work with the natural anti oxidant defenses of the body and mitochondria. It is also a great anti aging compound and can be helpful in reversing the aging effects caused by oxidant damage.

Alpha-lipoic Acid is also known as thioctic acid. It can be found in some vegetables and fruits and in meats, especially organ tissues. If you are looking for food items that have an ample amount of alpha-lipoic acid in them, consider taking the following:

  • Liver
  • Spinach
  • Kidney
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Heart tissue

Alpha-lipoic acid is commonly taken with supplements having l-cartinine as they are both related in how they work. There is a short, but a highly potent oxidation reduction given by ALA through an increase in the production of antioxidant enzymes. Blood glucose may also be acutely decreased when ALA is taken.

Benefits of taking alpha-lipoic acid

ALA can be possibly beneficial in a number of ways. Let’s have a look at them below.

Diabetes: Taking ALA intravenously or orally seems to improve the levels of sugar in blood in people who have diabetes.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft: Research suggests that taking in ALA in combination with omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, selenium and CoQ10 for up to 2 months prior to the surgery and for a month after the surgery has found to decrease the complications that usually arise after the CABG surgery.

Pre-diabetes: Evidence suggests that taking 600 mg of ALA intravenously can decrease the level of blood sugar that tends to rise after meals.

Diabetic Nerve Pain: When alpha-lipoic acid is taken orally, it can improve symptoms such as numbness [2], pain and burning in the arms and legs of people who have diabetes. The symptoms need a period of about 3-5 weeks for showing signs of improvement.

Vitiligo: Taking a product that has a combination of vitamin E, vitamin C and alpha-lipoic Acid along with a daily light therapy for about 8 months can improve skin coloration among people suffering from Vitiligo and have patchy skin.

Weight Loss: One of the main benefits of taking alpha-lipoic acid is the weight loss tendency it has. Taking ALA daily in 1800 mg for 20 weeks can help in the reduction of weight.

Alpha-lipoic acid works in the body by preventing damage to certain kinds of body cells. It is also known to be helpful for the body as it helps in the restoration of vitamin C and vitamin E in the body. The conduction of neurons and their function is also largely improved when alpha-lipoic acid is taken.

Carbohydrates are broken down in the body with the use of alpha-lipoic acid. This helps in making energy for all the organs of the body.

Alpha-lipoic acid is also found to work as an antioxidant; hence it can be helpful when it comes to protecting brain against injury or damage. There is certain liver diseases as well that the alpha-lipoic acid is found to be helpful in curing.

Alpha-lipoic acid is considered possibly safe [3] when taken orally by adults, when applied to skin, as well as, when taken intravenously. It is found however that people taking alpha-lipoic acid orally may get a rash. People with thiamine deficiency or with a risk of it should take alpha-lipoic acid along with a thiamine supplement.

Alpha-lipoic acid can cause a lowering of blood sugar level; hence people with diabetes taking alpha-lipoic acid should keep a constant check on the level of blood sugar in their body.

Side effects of alpha-lipoic acid

There is not much known about the effects of taking alpha-lipoic acid during breast feeding and pregnancy. It should therefore be avoided during these times to stay on the safe side.

Alpha-lipoic acid can decrease the level of sugar in blood. When taking ALA, it is important to adjust the dosage of medicines taken for diabetes that are provided by the healthcare provider.

The amount of thiamine may be decreased with the use of alcohol. Thiamine deficiency and taking in of alpha-lipoic acid may not work well for the body. There are some serious health problems related to their combined use. If you are a heavy drinker and are taking alpha-lipoic acid, it is important for you to take along a thiamine supplement.

If you have over active or under active thyroid and you want to take alpha-lipoic acid, it is better to check with your doctor first because it can interfere with the treatments.

Alpha-lipoic acid is also found in supplement form. As a supplement it has shown great benefits when it comes to fighting against inflammation and oxidation. Always consult your physician before taking alpha-lipoic acid or any other kind of supplement to keep yourself away from any possible side effects.

Summary: Alpha-lipoic acid is one of the best compounds when it comes to increasing the metabolism of the body since it breaks carbohydrates and provides energy needed to run organs. It can be taken orally or in intravenous form and is also found in meats and a number of vegetables and fruits, and can help in protecting the body against liver diseases, heart disease, and neurological decline that tends to happen with age and diabetes.

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