Saturday, July 16, 2016

The benefits and side effects of apigenin

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Apigenin is a phyto-chemical compound that is commonly recognized as a bioactive flavonoid (or flavones) and possesses all the essential characteristics and natural goodness of the flavonoid group. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-stress properties have been scientifically proven.

It occurs naturally in a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices and herbs and is abundantly found in chamomile, which is the prime source for its extraction.

Other plant sources that contain apigenin include apples, oranges, celery, onions, oregano, parsley, tarragon, basil, cilantro, and wheat sprouts. Endives, cloves, alcoholic beverages and bacopa monnieri too contain high proportions of apigenin.

The core characteristic of apigenin is its incredible power to fight back the effects of carcinogens and prevent and eliminate a variety of cancers from the human body.

Read on for insight on the efficacy of apigenin against the active carcinogens operating inside the human body.

Health benefits of apigenin

Chemically known as 4′, 5, 7, -trihydroxyflavone, biapigenin, apigenin has been proven as an all-round compound against multiple types of cancers and tumors flourishing inside the human body.

Apigenin molecules are extremely sensitive to decipher healthy cells from carcinogenic cells and hold a high safety threshold that minimizes any resultant risks and threats uninvolved.

It locates the growth and progression of carcinogenic cellular lines and induces and timely apoptosis so as to resist the tumor from branching out into other organs and organ systems. Apigenin helps the body combat following cancer variants effectively.

Prostate cancer

Studies conducted on mice suggest that apigenin obstructs cancer cell advancement in prostate gland, suppressing the activity of metastasis and angiogenesis. Apigenin, when complemented with the potential and effectiveness of other flavonoids like luteolin acts as an excellent resistor against the synthesis of fatty acids that are the major cause of prostate cancer. (1)

However the individual efficacy of apigenin against prostate cancer is yet to be disclosed through researches and experiments.


Apigenin has been proven as a counteracting agent to leukemia cells and induces a natural apoptosis within the cell growth patterns to suppress the progression of leukemia.

The studies on apigenin’s efficacy for the treatment of leukemia also revealed that the flavonoid possesses significant potential to resist and overcome the side effects of chemotherapy for the treatment of leukemia. (2)

Therefore, patients already suffering from leukemia should not take apigenin before the completion of their chemotherapy treatment. Moreover, apigenin represses proteasome activity and regulates the apoptosis (natural cell death) mechanism within cancerous cells.

Gastrointestinal cancers

Apigenin prevents the progression and development of tumor cell growth by blocking the blood capillaries that serve as fuel for their activity inside the gastro intestinal tract.

It sensitizes and eliminates cancer cells through naturally induced apoptosis and controls the causes of gastro intestinal cancer that relate with the microenvironment. It decreases cell glucose uptake, regulates extracellular matrix and resists passages that spread metastatic activity around the region.

Ovarian cancers

A medical research conducted simultaneously on healthy and ovarian cancer affected women revealed that flavonoid intake has no evident correction with the causes of ovarian cancer. However, a significant decrease in the risk and potential of ovarian cancer was observed due to regular apigenin intake. (3)

Bladder carcinoma

After a course of medical experiments, it has been inferred that apigenin, together with luteolin, works as a potent chemotherapeutic agent, acting on myelogenous erythroleukaemia parallel and bladder carcinoma; two active cancer cell lines. (4)

Apigenin is majorly known for its anti-carcinogenic characteristics, yet there are certain other fringe health benefits attached that come as a complementary package with apigenin.

It has been proven through several researches and test conducted on mice and humans, as an excellent antidote against stress and depression and improves mood and behavior. (5)

Apigenin significantly improves and maintain bone health and obstructs osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis that eventually result in osteoporosis in ovariectomized mice. (6)

It helps improve and stimulate smooth cardiac function and reduces cardiac injuries through repressing sphingosine kinase 1/sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling pathway. (7)

Apigenin, as a major proportion of the chemical composition of human diet, in the form of phytopolyphenol, induces counters and eliminate inflammation, in the digestive system, by reducing the magnitude of oxidative stress and effective elimination of inflammatory cells. (8)

Side effects of apigenin

Naturally consumed apigenin taken via fruits and vegetables does not induce any toxicity or significant side effects.

However, the clinically derived apigenin doses may vary based on a person’s age, gender and the type and intensity of the disorder. It must be taken as per the physician’s instructions. Excessive intake may cause numbness and prolonged sedation.

Dosage instructions

Apigenin can be naturally consumed through the intake of fruits, vegetables and spices abundant in the apigenin contents. The natural apigenin containing sources can be freely consumed for they do not pose any significant adverse side effects on human body.

Natural intake of apigenin is better for general health and wellbeing, since the natural efficacy of apigenin is complemented by the other chemical constituents present in the plant and together they can cast several other positive impacts on the human body.

Apigenin’s oral dosage as per 3 to 10 mg per kilogram of bodyweight is generally prescribed, to treat stress, anxiety and correlating psychological disorders. However, due to its laxative property, exceeding dosage may induce prolonged sedation while reducing stress and anxiety.

The intake of pharmaceutical apigenin for critical disorders likes cancer, blood diseases and inflammation depends upon the physician’s prescription that is based on the type and intensity of the disorder. Therefore, the dosage should be strictly complied with the prescription and should not reduce or exceed.

Summary: Apigenin has an immense capacity to fight a variety of cancer and tumors, but when combined with other similar flavonoids; it maximizes its healing potential. Besides critical ailments and disorders like cancer, bone and joint disorders and cardiac malfunctions, apigenin also helps in the treatment of stress, depression, inflammation and may act as a natural laxative for its soothing neuroleptive capabilities.

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